Friday 27 September 2013


Now let's talk about Sarawakian's traditional clothes. You would never believe it if i say Sarawak has 38 different ethnics living in it with awesome looking traditional clothes. These clothes are of course wear during festivals and celebration of each tribe or ethnic. They are given awesome names as awesome as their uniqueness. They have a lot of colourful and attractive details on it. Amazingly, they are all handmade. Unfortunately, people tend to forget their own culture. Their own traditional clothes are taken lightly that not many people may have their own traditional clothes at least a pair of it in their possession during this so called modern era. So, that is why i write this post just to let more people know how beautiful, unique and AWESOME our culture which are portrayed through the traditional clothes itself. To elaborate more on them, i will use the Dayak's, which are the main ethnic in Sarawak (including Iban, Bidayuh and Orang Ulu) traditional clothes as example.
1) These are Iban traditional clothes which we always see when Sarawak is on TV, in the postcards and when there is VIP coming to our hometown. haha...The details are all handmade. The women traditional clothes are named NGEPAN IBAN whereas the men traditional clothes are known as BAJU BURUNG &SIRAT. But, do not be mistaken yet. They consist of a lot more parts such as Sugu tinggi, marik empang/ tangu, kain kebat, tumpa, gelang, selampai, rawai for the women's and also baju gagung, gelang, ketapu, etc.

This is the most traditional style of iban traditional clothes for women but has been brought back recently. Pretty right? Believe or not, they are real heavy. It can weigh you an additional of 5kg when you are wearing this and to be noted, the 5KG IS ONLY IF YOU WEAR THE NOT ORIGINAL VERSION. Then, imagine how heavy it will be to wear the original ones.Think about it:)

 this is the full version of the Iban traditional clothes used nowadays but most people are using just slighty simpler than this. The simpler version are like these:

2) Up next is the Orang Ulu traditional clothes. For your information, Orang Ulu community consists of a variety of tribe. For instance, Kayan, Kenyah, Lun Bawang, Kelabit, Bisaya and of course lots more to find out. Hehe.. Although they are in the same category which is Orang Ulu, each tribe have different costumes. Let us see and differentiate them. Yaay!

This costume is commonly wear by the Kayan and Kenyah.

These are the very own Lun Bawang 's

 This is the Kelabit's traditional costume. But, i couldn't find any of the suitable picture of the men's costume.

 These are the bisaya tribe's traditional costume.

I guess everyone notice that most of their costumes look almost the same. As i said before, they are just slightly different from each other.  Orang Ulu traditional clothes have a lot of details made up of beads. Nice right?!

3) Lastly, here it comes, Bidayuh in Sarawak. The Bidayuh costume is unique too because Bidayuh coming from different place will have different clothing. Check it out!

These are all i can get. So, for the last one  i would want to share a photo of my friends and i in different costumes.

That's all that i want to share this time. To conclude, we should never take any part of our culture for granted. Remember, our culture is still our identity no matter how modern the world will be. Will share more about the AWESOMENESS IN CULTURE in the next post.

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